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A washout defect/light-spot just appeared on my display.

Star II

It occurs in the lower third, center of the display. The spot is about the size of the thumbprint.

The spot is most noticeable when viewing a scrolling white background with dark text. Also, if I max out the brightness, it's not as noticeable. 

Has anyone else seen this happen on their Zenfone 9 before?

Model # AI2202
Firmware Build # WW_33.0804.2060.8

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I heard back. This is what was stated:

"Our technicians determined that this unit is functioning properly. Because of that no replacement could be offered. Replacements are only covered in the case where an item cannot be repaired and are not authorized for No Trouble Found situations which is how we describe the situation where an item is tested at the facility and the problem cannot be reproduced or it is determined that the issue was part of the normal function of the device."


Not sure how they can't find it. I think the technicians may simply be inept. Leaving smudges on both internal cameras during the first RMA showed a low level of quality from the repair team


So seems as long as Asus says the item is "working as intended" they feel they are exempt from their responsibility. If they return the item with the same defect. I will post a video and then look into filing a case for breach of warranty. This is totally unprofessional. And unacceptable.

Star I

So I forwarded instructions to the technical support team of how to best see the defect, which is by lowering the display brightness and pulling up a neutral grey background. Standing in a dark location allows it to be seen quite clearly. 


I have not heard back for a week. It has been over a month since I sent my phone in for the third RMA.

Star I

Just heard back today. Asus has had my phone at their repair center for over one month. The CEO support office related the information and the repair team observed the display and determined this is the intended function of the phone. They are returning it unrepaired. 


How can a defect previously replaced under warranty (not intended function), suddenly become an intended function?


It appears they are unwilling, or unable to repair this issue. Perhaps all phones will experience it and they do not want to pay out warranty claims. This is very frustrating and appears to be a violation of the warranty agreement.

Star I

After 9 weeks, Asus exchanged my phone with a different one. The returned phone has the same defect, and also has scratches on the display. This is worse condition than the one I turned in.





Uploaded by V M on 2023-09-12.

Star II

Yikes. I'm assuming you're not going to buy the Zenfone 10 after this experience?