Здраствуйте,телефон начал грется и подвисать я сбросил к заводским настройкам всё заработало идеально,Но при видеозвонке через любой месенджер включается макросъёмка и изображение размытое,при включении камеры всё ок,до сброса всё было ок,ещё раз сбо...
Why some of my posts getting marked as spam automaticly?
Is it possible to get a free PC or laptop from Asus as a student?
Здравствуйте подскажите пожалуйста что мне делать брал данное устройство для игр соответственно, но такая беда скачал игру в которую играл на старом устройстве MI 9 она работала не вылетала на высокой графике были лаги ну и телефон Mi 9 лет 6 уже , ...
Dear ASUS Team,I never thought I’d be writing an email like this, but here I am. I’ve been a huge fan of ASUS for a long time, especially the ROG lineup. When I first saw the ROG Ally X, I knew it was the ultimate gaming device, and I had to get one....
Latest member ROG 9 Pro still in box...Waiting on the cooler X pro to arriveG531 gaming laptop, G15CF desktop, ROG 3, ROG 7, ROG 9, GS-AX5400#rog, #rog9
I have offer to ASUS for opportunity opening the trade in service for everyone who has ASUS devices. First of all for the best way to developing. The phones has only 2 years support for Android software and security patches, and then it becomes usele...
Hi gamers We are selling deaktop pad of asus rog pogo at Rs 500 plus shipping if interested contact us on 9372156808
Don't you think its is time for Asus to update there UI a little bit more. Sure it looks simple but we are using the same UI for years now. Maybe if we come up with some ideas maybe they will update it (if they even read and listen).
Hello,Asus Zenfone 12 ultra is about to release So can you send me sample of it so I can review the Zenfone 12 ultra and promote it I will also provide a feedback as a gamer
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