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Rising Star II
since ‎10-28-2020

User Statistics

  • 105 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 34 Kudos given
  • 40 Kudos received

User Activity

I'm looking at possibly getting a ROG 9 pro global and I'm wondering whats the cues I should be looking for to tell the difference in the packaging? someone told me the chinese model has chinese characters on the box label.thanks
Mobile store has this on their website, will this work with 9?
I'm looking into buying a ROG9 so I'd like to know the firmware that it comes with.
Basically when I bought my ROG 7 in August 2023 I bought it from someone and it was registered under a different rog account, can someone get back to me how to move it under my rog account?thx
Guys I finally found myself a used Cooler 3 and I wasn't hopeful about it but the good news is as soon as I plugged it  a pop up came up about an accessory so I knew it worked (272 firmware)...when I turned on X Mode the RBG came on.Very happy I foun...