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Community Manager
Community Manager

This is a place where you can get advice, discuss your experiences and share information with other customers and fans. They’ll help you get even more from your ASUS products and services. (Please note that the opinions expressed in the community do not necessarily represent the views of ASUS or its staff.) Read our full list of guidelines for the community here.


Track your progress in the community
As you contribute to the community, online badges will appear on your profile page. They’re awarded to members whose input helps other users – by starting discussion topics, replying to queries and solving problems.

There’s also a ranking system to give you an idea of who’s who. Higher ranks identify members whose contribution is especially valued. If someone has gained a high rank, it means they:
- Get involved – commenting, posting and replying
- Provide helpful solutions to others
- Receive kudos for their posts
- Have been committed community members for some time.