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ZenFone 8
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Forum Posts

[Game Genie] APK new version for ZenFone 8 only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. This APK version is for Android 13 on ZenFone 8 only, and please check the Android version first on you...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
  • 0 replies
  • 0 kudos

proximity sensor during calls

Hello everyone, I have a phone since the beginning of september. And since then, I have a problem with the proximity sensor during calls. Not every time, but it happens that the sensor does not work and I press everything on the screen with my face. ...

Offical Zenfone 8 charger

On Asus website there is no Zenfone 8 charger listed at the moment, only the "ROG 30W USB-C adapter".Is this the same charger auitable for Asus Zenfone 8 too?

laci_kara by Rising Star I
  • 2 replies
  • 1 kudos

Recording calls

Hi to all of you. Someone mentioned on XDA that the call recorder is off at the latest update. I don't know if it's Android 12. Someone knows something about this? Is it true? Ty

Applications get force closed

Hello! I am Ramesh from Sagar Steel Cooperation. I have been facing Force close issues in my phone and it would be great if you would help me out ASAP.Thanks.

Первая зарядка телефона

В инструкции к телефону написано ,что первый раз заряжать телефон не менее 8 часов.Так ли это нужно?Он же за 1.5 часа зарядится до 100%

Google Tap to Translate is constantly reset

Every 12 hours to 24 hours when I click tap to translate the configuration modal randomly pops up as if the configuration is reset. It really annoys me. It's expected that after I close those modal they will never come back unless I clear the data.Wh...

screenshot-20211221-190632452.jpg screenshot-20211221-190648686.jpg

Force close of application

hello!!I am Bhavik from Western Steel Agency. I am facing issue while opening some applications such as whatsapp, fb, n others, the phone force closes the apps and its really annoying.Thank You for your time and hope to hear from you soon.

ZenFone 8 bugs/problems

So here are a couple of things that don't work right with my phone.First the worst one, at least for me. First SIM, the one that can do 5G, loses data connection if I travel. If I don't, it seems fine. So if I wander around my own city, data connecti...

Dark mode Bug ?

I tried switch between Dark and white mode and i keep Dark mode.. now some apps sometimes run in Dark mode even i have not allowed fór these apps