Hi, for past month I noticed lots of bugs, freezes and stutters on my zenfone 8. I'm using os version WW_33.0210.0210.314 . I have tried restarting my phone and delete some apps. Currently, I have 26% space left. The issue still persists.
Hi. Recently I noticed that the flashlight on my phone doesn't always work. I have the latest updates installed. My phones motherboard was swapped fiew months ago on rma. Is there any fix to this issue?
Hi. My phone's camera is constantly freezing. It freezes in every app. Even resting my phone didn t helped. I talked to Polish Asus authorized service and they said that it should go on to warranty repair. Is there any other way to fix it?
Idk what to tell you. I have zf8 with new motherboard that has now around year and 7 months and it works however because it doesnt get any updates and I can't flash lineage so I switched to older s10e.