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ZenFone 9
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Forum Posts

[ZenFone 9] Join the Android 14 Preview Program

Hi ZenFone 9 users, We will soon have the newest Android system on ZenFone 9. ASUS hereby sincerely invite you to participate in this preview program to experience Android 14! What is the Android Preview Program? Android Preview Program lets users ex...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
  • 125 replies
  • 49 kudos

Photo Thread: Pets Being Weird

This month we are hosting a photo thread for everyone to post a picture of your pets, ‘Pets being Weird.’ Share your adorable and funny pet photos in this thread! Whether you have a cuddly cat, a playful dog, a feathery bird, or any other delightful ...

Resolved! Camera Screen Flickering Strips [FPS 60+]

Hello /Zenfone9/Android 13/No Rooted/AllTime/Stock Camera App/I get Zenfone 9 two weeks ago - tested some features and everything was okay, but yesterday I spotted weird thing with camera and it's annoying cuz I cannot record any videos at 60+ frames...

KnazZo by Star III
  • 10 replies
  • 6 kudos

Resolved! camera gimbal broken / uncalibrated?

1. Model Name: Zenfone 92. Firmware Version: WW_33.0804.2060.883. Rooted or not: not rooted4. Frequency of Occurrence: alwaysThe main camera starts vibrating when the phone is held still and the gimbal stabilizes. As long as the phone is moving (and ...

Resolved! Screen not responsive

Hi All , I have my Zenfone since August after only 2 months the back of the phone started to turn black (I bought the blue version) did it happen to anyone? I contacted the customer service that advice me to use the cover that comes with the phone Ei...

Photo level indicator bit off

Hello,i am new zenfone 9 user and i like almost everything in this phone but there is one thing that annoys me - level guide line in photo app. I don't know if it is software or hardware related but when i put my phone on flat surface yellow cross is...

UI suggestions

Many thanks for the ability to roll back to small quick tiles in A13. But I have two more suggestions that'd make UI better:add "disable clipboard overlay" option, akin to "screenshot toolbar" option in settings, that'd disable the following new A13 ...

DeferYr by Star II
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Zenfone 9 android 13 bugs

Using zenfone 9 to 2 months. The list of bugs after the update keeps growing.1 - I had to disable the always-on screen, because it keeps turning on and off all the time. Even with the device on a stationary table. So whenever new messages come in I h...

Charge is slow

When i try to charge the icon strted blinking before going to normal. But the charge duration is so long, its supposed to be finish in 1 but it finished in 3 hours. Anyone have the same problem? Im using zenfone 9.

Memory leak on latests Android 13

Hi guys, over time my ZP9 starts to black screen for a few seconds before waking up from pressing power button and unlock. It's super annoying and I have to restart it, then it works well for a while. But it starts being slow at waking up again maybe...

CuraeL by Star III
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