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ZenFone 8
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Forum Posts

[Game Genie] APK new version for ZenFone 8 only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. This APK version is for Android 13 on ZenFone 8 only, and please check the Android version first on you...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
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After newest firmware update, stock charger stopped working

I've installed newest firmware yesterday, and the stock ASUS charger with stock ASUS cable stopped working!When I use the same charger with different cable OR different charger with the same cable - both works (but with "steady charging" only).What i...

kzm by Star III
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No sound when calling in headset (whatsapp call works fine)

When I use the phone app to place calls, I cannot hear anything through the headset. I can however talk using the speaker.The headset works fine while placing Whatsapp calls which suggetss a software bug rather than a hardware one

pscoe2 by Star I
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Possible ramdump issue?

My zenfone 8 borked itself at the airport in January when i was visiting a government website to print out the e-visa. Ever since then i have been using a emergency phone. i contacted asus support support and they refuse to fix anything and told me i...


hi, i have encountered a problem after replacing a broken screen, using a used one from a donner device, the fingerprint scanner stopped working. initially i didn't see any errors or messages telling me that there is a problem, it just didn't registe...

Zenfone 8 need new GPU Drivers

Hi, good night! I would like asus to change the GPU drivers version. I'm requesting this, due to the V530 version being "broken". The reflection of this is in the AetherSX2 emulator, when I try to render something in vulkan like the game "Black" it c...

Icon style is different

the icon style is different with what i have set inside the setting the homescreen screenshot

screenshot-20220226-211443458.jpg screenshot-20220226-211448328-1.jpg

Change captive portal URL?

Android checks a certain well-known URL when it connects to a WiFi access point to see if that WiFi has Internet connectivity or is behind a captive portal. In 'vanilla' Android, the URL used is , but...

Custom launcher disappeared until reboot

I have a ZenFone 8 with Android 12. I use the Nova launcher (which I'd link, but the forum is not letting me). After the phone had been on overnight, charging and whilst I was sleeping, somehow the launcher got disabled; I was back to the stock Asus ...

TumTiTa by Star II
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proximity sensor test

Since my previous post was closed without answering my question on how to reset the proximity sensor, I created a new thread. I was forced to answer the question myself. Same as downloading the update to android 12 and following this forum all the ti...

Bug, missing options, search workaround

the voLTE & 5G und other options are missing from the data usage section, unless we did a search in the settings for 5G and then navigate there like in the video i posted