Star II
since ‎02-25-2022

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  • 12 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
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Of late, notifications that appear as banners on the lock screen do not appear as banners after I unlock the screen - and I want them to. Rather, after unlock the notifications show only in the form of tiny icons in the notification bar - until and u...
Dear allOn previous phones, and possibly my current Zenfone 8 - I've just had it repaired, and reset - one can tell the device to show text, of one's choosing, on the lock screen. Currently I cannot find the menu option to do that - not under 'Securi...
This page advises me to change a setting, via Mobile Manager -> Powermanager. But I find no Powermanager option within the Mobile Manager.
Just now I received an update, yielding these version numbers: What does that update do? I hope it will stop the long-running problem I have whereby some SMSs sent to me never appear.
Hello there. I wish to disable the little magnification window-thingy that appears within SMS apps (and other apps?) on Android 12. Various guides on the net tell one to use an option labelled 'Magnification Gestures'. I can find no such option on my...
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