06-28-2022 05:00 AM
07-08-2022 07:36 AM
07-11-2022 11:36 PM
3dmikee@3dmikee1. You have confirmed that the video you want to play supports HDR.
This happens to any video, including live streams, whether or not it supports HDR.
2. After enabling HDR, the laptop has been restarted.
3. After restarting the laptop, open the browser to play the video, still got color errors?
Why restart the computer every time if everything works for other owners without this procedure, I don’t understand this. Okay, if I reboot and turn off HDR color distortion will begin.
Could you please provide the screen of "Asus Optimization service" for my feedback?
Here is msconfig
With this service disabled, I don't have to reboot the laptop as you suggest because everything works as it should and there is no color distortion in any case when switching HDR.
I reinstalled the Asus System Control Interface program that brings Asus Optimisation service and didn’t work, apparently there is an unknown bug. But as you know, this service is responsible for the hotkeys and some functions of the MyAsus.
And about the launch error of the graphics control panel I wrote in the first message also found a solution:
https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/amd-radeon%E2%84%A2-settings-lite/9N9370CRZ0FN?hl=en-us&gl=U... — this program to which you give a link on the driver download page does not start
https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/amd-radeon-software/9NZ1BJQN6BHL?hl=en-us&gl=US — this version of the graphics control panel starts up and works properly
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07-13-2022 06:24 AM
07-14-2022 05:13 AM
07-14-2022 07:20 PM
3dmikee@3dmikeeNew details. This conflicting program turned out to be your own Splendid program, not a AsusOptimization service. I completely uninstalled Splendid from MyAsus in the following way:
1. Delete Asus Color Profiles on Color Management
2. Delete folders:
c:\programdata\asus\asus system control interface\asusoptimization\splendid
3. Delete Monitors\Splendid on Device Manager
4. Restart
And now there are no color distortions, but if install Splendid the issue begin again!
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