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ROG Phone 7
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Forum Posts

[ROG Phone 7] Join the Android 15 Preview Program!

Hi ROG Phone 7 (AI2205) users, We will soon have the newest Android system on ROG Phone 7. ASUS hereby sincerely invite you to participate in this preview program to experience Android 15!   Q1: What is the Android Preview Program? Ans: Android Previ...

Titan_ASUS by Community Manager
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[Game Genie] APK new version for ROG Phone 7 only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. Please note the apk is for Android 13 & 14 on ROG Phone 7 only, and please check the Android version fi...

Titan_ASUS by Community Manager
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Resolved! Android 14

Semenjak update android 14, game seperti genshin dan honkai fps nya suka drop dan baterai terasa lebih boros. Dan untuk mobile legends fps stuck 60, padahal sebelum nya bisa 120. Apakah bisa di down grade android ke 13 lagi? 

Liam29 by Star I
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We need downgrade package from android 14 to 13

Hello Greetings!We are facing a lot of issues after the latest update of android 14 (WW-34.1010.0820.55) especially while gaming a lot of frame drop and overheating as well as game crash. It's not only me many ROG phone 7 / 7 ultimate out there repot...

Android 14 Useless

Pls ASUS Show me, how to downgrade ROG Phone 7 Android 14 to Android 13, I Want to go back to the old version, because Android 14 so useless, make my phone so laggy and everygames stuck at 60Fps and sometimes drop to 30Fps...Pls FIX ASAP.

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Resolved! UPI transaction failure in A14

Dear Genius Asus Devs,I can't describe my immense pleasure (anger) on your lastest creation of Android 14.As a person who pay only through online transaction it is now very convenient ( inconvenient) for me. After upgrading, the game I used to play l...

Saurav_7 by Rising Star II
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Game stuck at 60 FPS, please don't follow apple step

since android 14 (got updated 1 month after the release of rog phone 8), nearly all game stuck at 60 fpsI know from the start that the support software for this line of phone is bad, but I just know that asus follow apple step by limiting or breaking...

snowdance by Rising Star II
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RE:New Android 14 update (Rog 7)

I'll add to my previous comment that Armory Crate doesn't work normally. In addition, when I use bluetooth headphones, the sound quality varies, sometimes the bass is too loud and sometimes there is none, I tried a few different headphones and each h...

JimiK by Rising Star II
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New Android 14 update (Rog 7)

Yesterday I updated my Rog 7 phone to the new official Android 14 system. Now some games refuse to open but crash and sometimes the FPS lags when playing, especially when there are large or fast movements on the screen. Can you fix these problems qui...

JimiK by Rising Star II
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