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ZenFone 9
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Forum Posts

[Game Genie] APK new version for ZenFone 9 only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. Please note the apk is for Android 13 & 14 on ZenFone 9 only, and please check the Android version firs...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
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[ZenFone 9] Join the Android 14 Preview Program

Hi ZenFone 9 users, We will soon have the newest Android system on ZenFone 9. ASUS hereby sincerely invite you to participate in this preview program to experience Android 14! What is the Android Preview Program? Android Preview Program lets users ex...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
  • 125 replies
  • 49 kudos

Photo Thread: Pets Being Weird

This month we are hosting a photo thread for everyone to post a picture of your pets, ‘Pets being Weird.’ Share your adorable and funny pet photos in this thread! Whether you have a cuddly cat, a playful dog, a feathery bird, or any other delightful ...

Zenfone 9 android support

Very happy to use Zenfone 9 but have question about when the android support runs out for this phone.

Tywin by Star I
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ZenFone 9 software is a shame !

Hey @Mansi_ASUS, @@and all other Asus clownCan you show a litttle respect for thoses who spent 700€ for your crappy phones ?GPS fix is still not working and we dont have any updateEvery update is worse and worse, feature disappaer, battery life is me...

Resolved! Larger media lockscreen buttons

  The skip track or skip forward buttons are minuscule. So difficult to press they almost shouldn't even be there. Maybe android 14 will fix this, but this would be such an easy win and nice QoL improvement if it could be patched to worry less about ...

Screenshot_20240215-112616_ASUS_Launcher.jpg Screenshot_20240215-112924_ASUS_Launcher.jpg Screenshot_20240215-131352_Musicolet.jpg
jwest88 by Star II
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Notifications problem

First several months I didn't have any problems with all of my apps whatsoever. But lastly (1-3 months) majority of them  suddenly stopped sending any kinds of notifications (Examples: telegram, discord, dashchan, other messengers) except for banking...


Simultaneous individual app volume control

Hello, new to zenfone. I recently got a zf9, love most things about it but this one stressful and annoying issue. On my old moto g power 2020(on android 11) I was able to use various apps that had audio going at once and have control of each app's vo...

jwest88 by Star II
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the tool take so long until now ? You said the tool will come up late November 23', and you said late Desember 23' and bla bla bla... YOU liaarrrrrrrr. So many people in this forum ask about this topic, youre never response again. I dont trust you an...

Zenfone 9 android 14

When i can receive android 14 update .My last update was 33.0804.2060.218

Vion by Star II
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Zenfone 9 issue - can barely hear people on calls

Can you guys help me out. It's been weeks now and I'm not sure how to solve this. It feels like I hear people at 10%, in most cases they need to repeat themself as I can't hear well. My volume is at max, tried to play with some audio settings to no a...

jousej7 by Star I
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