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Cell Standby battery drain

Star III
i'm experiencing seriuos issue about battery, it's being constantly drained by cell standby with abnormal values. It's actually draining more than the display, that's unacceptable.
Can you please provide a fix/solution ?
Zenfone 8 - hardware and software details attached.

123 REPLIES 123

Star III
Installed cpu-z for test. Four of the cores never drop to 300hz, they stay at 800-700 just watching the screen, with occasional going up to 2000+ all 8 cores. I don't know if this is normal...

Star III

Been struggling with cell standby battery drain since day 1, i'm my case i found that scheduled power saving was one of the causes. I'm also going to try your suggestion and see if it works for me too, i'll keep you posted.

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@Elmir i've tried your workaround but no luck for me, my stats are supreme shit. Basically, i have almost a 50% drain for cell standby over a 2 days span, meaning that 1 day (i repeat O N E D A Y) battery charge was wasted by doing nothing. Actually i'm very disappointed about this device, and it's even more frustrating considering i come from ZenFone 6 that was simply awesome.
So much sadness :

Star III
Since the update yesterday, I think things got better. Till last charge, I have 1:20h sot and I am at 80%. Hope it stays that way.

Star III

Yes, dont but your graph (the first post) seems decent enough, being 1day8hrs on standby already.

While SOT isnt very high, the standby is quite long. It would seem most powerdraw happen from idle apps pinging.

If you turn off everything overnight, like you do, your overnight drain is approx how much % per hour?

(For example can be tested by taking a screenshot when going to bed. And turn on airplane mode pretty much, or turn off all data - wifi or mobile) - and then taking a screenshot again when waking up.

Taking note of the % gap and the time duration.

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Seems like things have been improved over the last month. Back then even airplane mode drained mobile network standby. Now, as you can see below, there's no drain there. 3% over 9 hours -> 0.33%/hour. The 3% comes almost only from "phone standby", which sounds reasonable (although doesn't match the 0% from my previous phones).
Looks like in my case there's no issue at all (especcialy compared to what @Salvatore is getting 😕 ).
Next things I will test is just disable wifi/mobile data over night. No flight mode as I want to be available for messages/calls. Another test I can do after that is changing the preferred network type from 2G/3G/4G/5G to 2G/3G/4G or even 2G/3G.

Star III
I think I hurried up with the excitement. Everything was good until a little drive in the neighborhood and mobile network standby started gaining speed and is just 1% below from screen at the moment with 3% of battery eaten without using the phone in 1 and a half hours.
Something with changing radio towers may be?