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Heat and sudden battery drain after 34.1004.0204.201 update

Star I

I'm a very light user, < 15 minutes per day. Used to have over 80% left at the end of the day. Since the 34.1004.0204.201 update last week this is < 20% and sometimes it gets unpleasantly warm in my pocket. Apart from allowing the update to install I did not change anything.

When I look at battery use per app it shows 92 - 95 % System-apps, without providing further details. And a high % is what you expect since I have few user-apps and use them infrequently.

What could have changed by this update? I noticed that after the update Google started drawing my attention for some of their obtrusive services, even stuff that I had disabled previously.

I let the log tool run for some time, But it is a (huge, 73 MB) .tar.gz file and this forum doesn't allow me to upload that.