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ZenFone 8
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Forum Posts

[Game Genie] APK new version for ZenFone 8 only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. This APK version is for Android 13 on ZenFone 8 only, and please check the Android version first on you...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
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GPS problem

Cześć, jestem świeżym nabywcą zenfona 8 i wszystko wydaje się być w porządku, prócz GPSa. Mapy google notorycznie tracą połączenie z gpsem. Mam wrażenie, że sygnał sieci komórkowej też nie działa prawidłowo, bo 5G nie łapie nawet na moment. Dawno, da...

Few UI glitches

There are few UI glitches. Font size is Large. Language is Bulgarian.On the last screenshot are Calculator settings. Option About in Bulgarian is misspelled - correct is 'Относно'.

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Debris or liquid USB port

The phone was in my bag, first time that this is happening. Absolutely no liquid around,no foreign debris, maybe dust only at inspection. Restarted phone... For now all good. Its so sensitive the USB port that Asus disable it just like that compromis...

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Not getting gmail notifications

Hello,I have stopped getting gmail notifications a few weeks back. Unless I open the gmail app, I am getting no indication that an email was received. I tried wiping gmail data but it did not help. The only way I can get a notification to appear is t...

belegdol by Rising Star I
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Display not as color accurate as advertised/claimed

ASUS claims color accuracy of delta-E<1 on all of their websites for this phone.However, individual display tests done by Notebookcheck (link to their review) and GSMARENA show differently. Even the previous generation Zenfones have better color accu...

wifi doesn't work Asus zenfone 8

Prosím pomozte. Nelze se připojit k wifi a hotspot také nefunguje. existuje nějaké softwarové řešení. nebo ji musím servisovat? díky za pomoc

What's in the latest update?

Just now I received an update, yielding these version numbers: What does that update do? I hope it will stop the long-running problem I have whereby some SMSs sent to me never appear.

TumTiTa by Star II
  • 7 replies
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Feature request: Easy photo share

I would like to have an option to easy share a photo when my phone is on the lockscreen.In the current situation when I take a photo I can not share it immediately. I first need to unlock, open the gallery, share, select to whom to share. With my Son...

Zenfone 8 died from gaming while charging

On 23rd of June, I was playing Genshin Impact on my Zenfone 8 while charging, the phone got heated up and all of a sudden the phone died with no overheat alert or what so ever. The phone is in a fairly thick phone case, so i got no idea how hot was t...