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ZenFone 8
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Forum Posts

[Game Genie] APK new version for ZenFone 8 only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. This APK version is for Android 13 on ZenFone 8 only, and please check the Android version first on you...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
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Android 12 Closed Beta

Has the Android 12 beta started? I registered but didn't get any emails from Asus. Just wondering if it has started already or I should still keep an eye on my mail inbox

cicagorio by Rising Star II
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Confusion with the ZenFone 8 Flip Specifications

Hello,I haven been reading the Technical Specifications for the ZenFone 8 Flip and have noticed that it appears there are two different variants of this phone regarding the Wireless Technology.It appears that only one of these variants supports the L...

Ухудшается изображение во время игры

Здравствуйте, заметил, что во время игры иногда ухудшается качество изображения. Это длится иногда одну секунду, иногда дольше. Пробовал менять настройки игры, режима производительности телефона, ничего не помогает. Помогите разобраться с этой пробле...

truf847 by Star I
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Display needs too much battery, why?

My battery is drained most by the display, see attachment. But I don't know why. I don't have AOT active and the Mhz of the display is set to "Auto". The brightness is also set to "auto".What else can I do so that the display does not use the most b...

zhd2 by Star II
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Broken notification system

As already reported:KlesharHello staff, This is my third or fourth bug report for the zenfone 8. This is a minor bug report but still pretty annoying in some cases. I wanted to tell you that the notification system on some apps gets stuck if you're u...

Raja90 by Star I
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New update 122.36

New update just rolled out tonight on 10/20/2021. How is it for everybody?


Issues with bluetooth and sound output.

I have issues with sound output. when connected to bluetooth, in different devices I don't hear media playing through them, it goes to the phone speaker (even though it says it plays through bluetooth in spotify for example). sometimes after restart ...