Rising Star II


  • 110 文章
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As I say goodbye to my Zenfone 8, just wanted to say farewell to the community in a post that summarizes my experience. After pre-ordering the Zenfone 8 and using it daily for since it was delivered in June, I have mixed feelings now at the end. I wa...
So during phone calls, Phone app is not using proximity sensor properly. I constantly bring down notification bar, turn on airplane mode etc with my face. This is happening on the latest Android 12. Another thing that happens regularly during calls i...
Has the Android 12 beta started? I registered but didn't get any emails from Asus. Just wondering if it has started already or I should still keep an eye on my mail inbox
Is it possible to keep Media playback when switching camera to video?Sometimes I have music playing on my headphones and I want to record a short video, but it stops the audio playback as soon as I switch the camera to video mode. Is there a way to ...
Hey everyone,I am wondering did Asus do anything to try and protect against burn ins on the display from the bottom navigation bar or the top status bar? These two things are almost always showing the same content