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ZenFone 10
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Forum Posts

[Game Genie] APK new version for ZenFone 10 only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. Please note the apk is for Android 13 & Android 14 ZenFone 10 only, and please check the Android versio...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
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[ZenFone 10] Join the Android 15 Preview Program!

Hi ZenFone 10 (AI2302) users,   We will soon have the newest Android system on ZenFone 10. ASUS hereby sincerely invite you to participate in this preview program to experience Android 15!   Q1: What is the Android Preview Program? Ans: Android Previ...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
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  • 12 kudos

Resolved! AoD suggestion?

Hello!I've some thoughts about the Always on Display, firstly I don't think its productive to display persistent media AoD icons like Youtube/Tidal/Spotify etc in the notification field. It makes it harder to notice actual new notifications in my opi...

Xenda by Star III
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Why Zen Fone 10 instead of S23

To start I still don't like the size and feel of the S23 coming from an S10e after a few months.The video of the women comparing ZF10 vs Samsung S23 was a bit shocking to me.The 5.9 inch ZF 10 is actually longer (though less wide) then the S23 6.1?I ...

jimson8 by Star I
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Front camera option is missing

I have problems with my new ZenFone 10: the option to use front camera is missing in the camera app, which is weird because my other exact same phone bought on the exact same day didn't have this problem. Hope to get some help in the forum. I've clea...

z890211 by Star I
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Disable Audio Wizard/Dirac?

Hello... How on earth do you disable the built in EQ when you're using BT headphones? My Technics EAH-AZ80 doesn't sound nearly as loud/good as on my Sony phone... 

Xenda by Star III
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  • 5 kudos

Suggestion Thread

Hello! I have a few suggestions, maybe this can become the compilation thread?1. Lock screenWhen you've set the clock size as large for the lock screen it will still display the small clock when you've have a notification. The notification in itself ...

Xenda by Star III
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Night light/eye care mode bugg

I'm having a bit of trouble with the night light setting. Whenever I'm entering a new app from the recent screens it takes around 1 sec for night light to be activated. I tried to capture it with a screen recoding, but doesn't it seem to show the eff...

Xenda by Star III
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Are newer Zenfones better than Zenfone 8?

Hi all, I'm just curious if Zenfone 9 & 10 are better than 8 in terms of reliability? My current Zenfone 8 is by far the worst phone I've ever owned. Issues over time include: heavy battery drains, face unlock fails, alarm doesn't go off, gps doesn't...

natty7 by Star I
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Zenfone 10, what we thinking?

Just watched the 20 minute event, and I've got to be honest, it was kind of dissapointing. I'm afraid battery life will be worse with the 8 gen 2 and 144hz while still keeping 4300mAh capacity. Also same Sony sensor used for main camera as zenfone 9.