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ZenFone 10
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Forum Posts

What are your experiences with the zenfones?

I was thinking of buying the ROG 8 pro since it still had headphone jack, Ip68 and a large screen.But with the leaks for the 11 ultra, it having a glass back, IP68 and coming in more colors tilts me towards getting one instead of the ROG. Also, since...

Bad video quality during video call

Hey guys... I recently bought my Zenfone 10 and I noticed that the image quality during video call is very bad . The image looks completely pixelated like a filter was active. My previous phone was an iphone 8 , (6 years of use) and the image is much...

mobile network issues

Hello, i have an issue with my phone, very often i have problems with mobile network, it works, but after some time(many times in a day) network just simply stop working, i can receive calls tho.  Only reboot or switching to airplane mode and then tu...

ezols by Star II
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Zenfone 10 Moderator or technician

I Have some questions to Asus please answer:1. After android 14 update my battery is not as good as it was before?2. Why you did not make root for zf10 you promised?3. Why there is nothing on your store?4. Why you do not push new security updates on ...

Kndiag by Star III
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zenfone 10 no att 5g service

I'm looking to hear people's experience with att 5g on a zenfone 10. I have 4g lte but no 5g despite the phone supporting the bands and having the service in my area. ATT says that since the device isn't whitelisted that it's barred from their 5g ser...

wyaneb1 by Star I
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Zenfone 10 Software Support

Is there any chance Asus would give us longer software support that it was promised? Zenfone 10 is really a good phone, it's kinda nuts that Asus only give two years of android update.

Low volume on incoming call please help me out.

Anyone else having the issue of incoming call volume being super low on zenfone 10/Android 14 to the point I can't hear the caller at all (already had this issue on Android 13 tho). When I switch to speakers during the call, I can hear the caller. Ch...

jayadb3 by Star I
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What are your experiences with the zenfones?

I was thinking of buying the ROG 8 pro since it still had headphone jack, Ip68 and a large screen.But with the leaks for the 11 ultra, it having a glass back, IP68 and coming in more colors tilts me towards getting one instead of the ROG. Also, since...

jimbey2 by Star I
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