07-16-2022 01:51 AM
07-17-2022 07:37 PM
- System: Windows 10
- Battery or AC:
- Model: ASUS ZenBook 14 UM425QA
- Frequency of occurrence: every time I try to start notebook
- Reset OS:
- Screenshot or video:
Detailed description: the laptop worked flawlessly for 3 weeks. The laptop won't turn on without a charger now. In the bios, the battery status is 99% charged. The bios are also resetting to 2016 date. When it comes to loading the OS, the laptop turns off. Also, liveUSB is not loaded, and the laptop also turns off.
When connected to the charger, the charge indicator lights up red for a moment and then immediately white. Then the laptop immediately starts and takes a long time to boot to the logo.
Also battery is cold when charger plugged in.
Сan i do something on my own?
And how I can save data from the disc (acronis not work, notebook turn off on liveUSB)?
Zenbook won't turn on or run on battery. OS shuts down laptop
08-17-2022 03:50 AM