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Screenpad Apps not work, loop in microsoft store...

Star II
System: windows 10
Battery or AC:
Model: UX434FAC
Frequency of occurrence:
Reset OS:
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Detailed description:Only the app ScreenXpert in english microsoft store work, and reactivate the screenpad funcionality.
But none screenpad App work in screenpad mode.... when click, install the icon, but stay in loop on MS store when click.

english is not my language

Community Legend II
Hello arthur,
May I have a picture of the issue and which screenpad App did you install?
Thank you.

Star II
All screenpad of the site asus - screenpad-apps

when install... the icon of the app open the microsoft store again.... click install/open and open microsoft store again.... loop.

Community Legend II
Hello arthur,
You mean the apps in below link?
ScreenPad APPsIf so, they are for screenpad 1.0 only.
For screenpad 2.0, which your device has, please download the third party apps you would like to use from Microsoft Store.
Thank you.

Star II

Hello arthur,

You mean the apps in below link?

If so, they are for screenpad 1.0 only.

For screenpad 2.0, which your device has, please download the third party apps you would like to use from Microsoft Store.

Thank you.

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So..... Asus update the screenpad 1 to Screenpad 2 (screenXpert) and... we lost the best apps....
When Asus will update the apps of the site promo??? Becausei buy the UX434 by the apps.... and... Asus want the Downgrade of Xpert to Screenpad 1??????????
How to make a downgrade (driver and interface) to Screenpad 1. I need test the apps that fit the screen. The best resolution of the screen make the normal apps ilegible.

english is not my language.