Bitlocker is a protecting system for your data. I found this experience while using a lenovo labtop. So when I encountered a problem like yours I already know where to go!
In normal situation, you can find your bitlocker key by CMD. I don't use this method because I have to decrypt the ID code again. Bitlocker is strickly numerical only.
But for a situation like yours, I guess that you are suspended to recover your asus because windows installation ask you for Bitlock recovery key. In this situation you have to go to login page of your microsoft account (see the second link below).
As I recently replaced a Samsung 1TB M.2 NVME by a 2TB, when I use that 1TB as external drive, I was asked for Bitlocker too. I copied the bitlocker recovery key that refers to the ID code given by the recovery software. ASUS was right to refer to Microsoft because Bitlocker is a protecting system related to your microsoft account. Be careful, your microsoft account doesn't mean that you must login with your microsoft email. I use my gmail to create my microsoft account. It works well.