Hi My sister has an Auss N551JQ laptop which she has upgraded to windows 10. The original drivers were for windows 8.1 We have installed the latest Intel & Nvidia drivers from the manufacturers website since there was no OEM updates for the graphics card on the Asus website. But every time my sister uses some high performance Application such as Autocad or Photoshop (which reqire high performance graphics card) on the battery, her system freezes and gives us a BSOD with the power failure error code. And nothing we have done seems to fix the problem. We wanted to install OEM drivers for her laptop but there are no OEM drivers for windows 10. What should we do? Should we install the Asus drivers for windows 8.1 on windows 10? Or are there any other drivers from other ASUS laptops that are compatible with hers?
Model: ASUS N551JQ Intel HD Graphics 4600 Nvidia GT 845M 2G
Hello m.saidi30, I'm sorry that this model was not designed to use Windows 10, so we did not verified Win10 driver specifically for this model. Please kindly feel free to use the drivers from open platform or from supplier. Thank you.