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Forum Posts

Artifacting problem "not replicable"

Terrible artifacts and graphical glitches were somehow not replicated by Asus employees. I'd like a full refund, or I'd like ASUS to try again. This is ridiculous customer service.

djseese by Star I
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Certificate of conformity Asus TUF Europe

Hello everyone,I’ve recently bought an Asus TUF 4060 Ti Oc edition 8 GB trio from Amazon and I need a certificate of conformity requested by customs duty to complete the process before they abandon my item, please anyone can help, or anyone has it he...

Ultimate GPU Mode

Hey guys, is keeping the Ultimate GPU Mode(Armory Crate option) bad for my laptop in the long run? I mostly play computer games with maxed graphics, but sometimes i'm just web browsing or editing study notes.

TUF-RTX4070TI-O12G-GAMING hot spot temperature

Hello,  I have 4070ti and I see core temps 73°C and hot spot peak is 97°C.  All the time when core is above 70 hot spot is above 92°C.   Is this OK?  that means delta is more than 20°C .   I have the card for  6 months now.   Card is not overcloaked....

An0maly by Star I
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BIOS 321. Fans became louder.

Today Windows updated the driver and at the same time installed a new BIOS 321 on my ASUS ROG Strix SCAR 18. After that, my fans became 20 percent louder when running in performance mode.I had to switch to manual mode. What will you advice me?

cundy by Star I
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DELL 5675

I would like to upgrade the graphics card on a Dell 5675 desktop computer tower, it currently has a AMD Radeon RX 580 with AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor 3.00 GHz and 16GB RAM.Can I successfully  install an ASUS Dual GeForce RTX™ 4060 OC Editi...

gt 710-2gbd5

My graphics card is showing to be installed on pci x8 whereas it is actually a pci x16

viga by Star I
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