08-24-2021 10:24 PM
08-26-2021 07:01 AM
kananxaliloffYou should download drivers from this model X513IA only.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/183257#Comment_183257
Thank you for your response.
NO, I have not updated any hardware component on my computer.
BSOD is not occurring while I already work on my computer but only occurs while I start it.
As I mentioned before, I saw somewhere that it happens due to drivers compatibility/version.
Then, I tried to install all up-to-date available drivers from ASUS official site.
I will share several screenshots and Photos where I think there is a mismatch (issue).
I had already entered the link by the time you shared it.
1) dxdiag.exe
2) system information
4) bottom of my laptop.
Drivers of which model should I download : D513IA or X513IA.
There is no such X513IA_D513IA.
Thanks in advance.
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08-26-2021 10:07 PM
08-27-2021 04:17 AM
kananxaliloffto know the root causes of BSOD errors, I need to analyze dump files, but at present in your case, dump files is unable to create.Thank you.
But why this is happening?
I mean does it have any technical reason for the difference in model names in several sources?
Also, for BSOD-s i tried to tune dump creation. but every time it shows in event log that "DUMP file creation failed due to error during dump creation".
Any ideas why it can be or can you please share any good source to tune it?
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08-29-2021 07:34 AM
08-29-2021 08:15 AM
RAJU.MSC.MATHEMATICSmaybe i should run the following?https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/183409#Comment_183409
to know the root causes of BSOD errors, I need to analyze dump files, but at present in your case, dump files is unable to create.
Type the following commands in command prompt application with administrator rights
Sfc.exe /ScanNow
Dism.exe /OnLine /StartComponentCleanUp /ResetBase
Dism.exe /OnLine /CleanUp-Image /ReStoreHealth `
after completes, restart windows
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