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Update to Android 14

Star II

I'm interested in updating my Zenfone 9 to Android 14, but it seems there are quite a few bugs still lingering. Would it be safe to update now, or would it be wiser to wait a bit longer?


Rising Star II

ated since the first public beta. It has always been fine for me, esp. after the first public final ROM.

Rising Star II

Sorry, part of the text above disappeared. What I meant to say in the first sentence was that I have the A14 since the first public beta.

Star III

I would prefer to stay at A13. Since A14 update, my phone has minor glitch/bug. 

So far it happens on network/wifi setting. Everytime I open it, it will automaticly switch to settings main menu or the last settings menu I've opened before.

Last update doesn't fix this at all and even add another glitch/bug on the lock screen. Now i gotta swipe harder in order to make the dots appear (pattern lock). While a simple swipe would make it appear before.

Idk about overheating issue when gaming. Since I have yet to test it and I didn't use this phone for gaming (got ROG 5 for that purpose and yeah got a problem with that one too but I think I figured out where the problem is).

I still consider myself lucky because my phone didn't have problems like others.

Asus should do something about the problems on their products (do it fast and correctly) and maybe stop thinking "I'm still one of the top brand" before people starts thinking this is a no go brand. 

When it's happens. It will be all too late.

Star I

Já aktualizoval včera a bez problémů.... Uf