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ZenFone 8
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Forum Posts

[Game Genie] APK new version for ZenFone 8 only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. This APK version is for Android 13 on ZenFone 8 only, and please check the Android version first on you...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
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Save Preset for equaliser

Is it possible to add preset for equaliser? so i can save it for different speakers, as samsung xiaomi and all other previous phone i use has this function

what is Zenfone 8 wifi router compatibility list?

Hi Asus,I've been debuging my zenfone 8 wifi issue for weeks now. And I came into conclusion that it now fail to connect with stable connection to router with Wifi5 (802.11ac) mode. The phone will have random reboot, or loss wifi connection and fail ...

Android 12 OTA Switzerland

When is Android 12 coming OTA? in Switzerland?I did not buy the phone from a provider.

Pollox by Star I
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Problem solved: WiFi's not working after upgrade to android 12

After upgrade and first new start the menu settings 'network and internet' are opening very slowly (nearly freezing) and I can't start WiFi. After restarting no change in bahavior. If I'm not navigating in menu settings 'network and internet' and not...

juhay69 by Star II
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Wifi calling disappearing in Android 12 firmware .73

Anyone experiencing Wifi calling connection disappears after phone is on standby overnight or a period of only 4G/5G connection? Only way for it to reconnect is to reboot the phone.

ZenYG by Star III
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Google Assistant

Since the android 12 update Google Assistant doesn't pop up when I say "hey Google" even though I have enabled that.Anyone else experiencing this or is it just me?

Clauicp by Star I
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Android 12 stop Sip

Hello guys and girls I saw how android 12 will stop Sip support, this means volte will be still supported? What will change? Phone voice quality in terms of quality of zen Fone 8 is already very poor I was wondering if with android 12 will go down fu...

Android 12 Color Palette + Icon Colors?

1. Just updated to android 12 this morning and everything is working smooth BUT, it appears I have no way to change the color palette like I should be able to for widgets I've changed my wallpaper multiple times, restarted the device but the widgets...

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Android 12 Zenfone 8 (Feedback)

Good Morning!I received the android 12 update on my zenfone 8, apparently everything is stable, I didn't notice any bugs or other problems, I thank the asus team for the effort.The only point I've noticed so far, was a slight nerf on the Multi Core o...