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ZenFone 8 Flip
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[Game Genie] APK new version for ZenFone 8 Flip only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. This APK version is for Android 13 on ZenFone 8 Flip only, and please check the Android version first o...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
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VoLTE on malaysia PLS TAKE NOTES

as we know,malaysia 3g will be fully shutdown on december end of this years,but on ASUS ZENFONE 8 OR ZENFONE 8 FLIP only support VoLTE on MAXIS AND UMOBILE THIS TWO about YES YTL,DIGI AND CELCOM?EVEN my cheap redmi note 9s can support all...

ASUS Zenfone 8 Flip 5G compatibility.

So, I am ready to buy a new phone but there's this website I saw where the seller states that the 8 Flip does not support T-Mobile's 5G network which I'm confused as to why? So, my question is for those in the U.S. and a T-Mobile carrier and the 8 Fl...

Nasgul by Star I
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There is a lot of potential on the battery.

Hi. I just wanted to share my latest battery chart because i have gotten really good durability on last 24h and probably can go for another 24h.I've enabled "power saver" on developer options and haven't used wifi or bluetooth. Wifi at least seems to...

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SD card has not works properly.

When I playing music in SD,it has often be break off and transferring files between internal storage to SD card,phone has be freezing.

I found a solution for Fingerprint problem

Hi guys, i accidentally found a solution for fingerprint problem for my Asus Zenfone 8 Flip… i accidentally turned on "glove mode" and problems suddenly solved. You can find the settings fromSettings -> Advanced -> Glove mode.Hope it can help

When can I actually see one

I went to buy a new ZenFone 8 flip from JB hi-fi in Melbourne Australia today and they said that I could purchase one no problemo but I couldn't see a display device!!!I thought hmmmm strange so I went to a different JB hi-fi and same story. Apparent...

Roystoys by Zen Master III
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Camera Battery Drain After October Update

Model Name: Asus ZenFone 8 FlipFirmware Version: or not: Not RootedFrequency of Occurrence: Every time APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Asus Stock Camera AppThe update was successful and is updated to the l...

Local back-up Zen Fone 8 Flip

Dear all may I kindly ask you what is the best external memory to be used on the Zen Fone 8 Flip to have a local back up? (Brand and model) The file of back up can be protected by password or encrypted once is done? In other words if someone steal th...