Star III
since ‎08-20-2021

User Statistics

  • 21 Posts
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  • 3 Kudos received

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My phone needed service and apparently the mainboard was changed and because of that my phone is running older firmware.Updater doesn't find any new updates and i can't find any updates anymore on support page.Where can i get newest firmware and why ...
I'm having problems with my phone's usb connection. My phone thankfully charges without problems, but that's about only thing it does. Every pc i have tried it doesn't find the phone and i don't get any notification for usb connection. When connected...
I can't enable usb tethering on any computer i have tried. I have tried different cables and tried to force this on developer settings but it just doesn't work. Option to enable tethering is grayed out always.How can i fix this or is this bug?
Hi. I just wanted to share my latest battery chart because i have gotten really good durability on last 24h and probably can go for another 24h.I've enabled "power saver" on developer options and haven't used wifi or bluetooth. Wifi at least seems to...
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