Either way, the key is still that we are at least discussing this internally and hopefully it would lead to a re-think of the logics in place.
Thank you very much.
One additional remark: Name of this thread is Asus Calling Screen [Annoy Screen], which might give the impression that this applies only to Asus Dialer, but it is not true. This is a system level issue and affects any installed dialer. I use the Google Phone dialer myself as on my previous phones and once again encounter this behavior, when the screen keeps on illuminating during a call, even though I turned it off with the power button, as I used to from all my previous phones.
I have solved this ZF6 issue myself by using a bluetooth headset through which I handle calls, so I do not have to deal with any screen lighting and ignoring power button state at all, but I would like to see when the calls could be handled in the normal way with future updates 🙂
But when I criticize this Asus behaviour here, I have to say one thing: ZF6 is my best cell phone, which I have ever had, and this discussion forum is very helpful, with very very competent and knowledgeable moderators answering user questions. I really appreciate such support from the manufacturer, Thank you once more.