11-10-2024 09:12 AM
I work with vulnerable populations, and I worry about situations in which I could be forced to unlock my phone against my will.
Currently, the law holds that you can be forced to unlock your phone via fingerprint. You cannot be forced to unlock it via passcode. When I'm going into a situation where I know I'll encounter law enforcement (like a protest or an airport), I set my unlock to passcode only. But in my day-to-day, I use fingerprint unlock, because it's so much more convenient.
My phone (Asus Zenfone 😎 has an under-glass fingerprint reader. It's subtle; the only way for someone to know it's there is an on-screen graphic.
I wish I had the ability to turn off the fingerprint graphic, while leaving fingerprint unlock enabled. That way, if my phone was ever confiscated while I had fingerprint unlock enabled, I could still claim that fingerprint unlock is disabled on my device. There would be no indication to the contrary.
Currently, in the phone settings, I can change the color of the fingerprint indicator. But I can't turn it off.
Could we get that option, please?