Zenfone 10 after update to Android 15
After updating to android 15, I can't receive a call. The ringtone plays. But the interface for receiving the call is not displayed.
The message you are trying to access is permanently deleted.
After updating to android 15, I can't receive a call. The ringtone plays. But the interface for receiving the call is not displayed.
Hi guys,Dropped the phone and the sim was no longer detected.Switched to second slot and it worked.Dropped it again a few weeks later and now it's not detected even in the second slot.Opened the phone, cables are still connected to the reader board.S...
My trusty Zenfone 9 is showing signs of getting old (like being really slow all of a sudden and needing a reboot to work again), so I've just bought a 10. There's virtually no other small phone on the market, so I figure I'd just buy the same but mor...
After updating to Android 15, some widgets may "turn off" and turn gray, requiring you to tap on them to restart the widget. I have solved this problem! To do this, you need to:1. Open the "Mobile Manager" application2. Click on "Memory Cleaner"3. Af...
After several days of silence from Asus support, I finally found the root cause of the problem and a working solution—without their help.Root Cause:Some apps automatically change their background usage settings from "allowed" to "not allowed" without...
The case that came with my Zenfone 10 finally broke. What are some good replacements? I'd like the devil case, but it looks like ASUS doesn't make it anymore
I have a Signal backup running at 2:15AM at night, and one hour later I have a FolderSync backup running to move that Signal backup file to my Google Drive.I can't pinpoint exactly when this started going wrong, but the Signal backups are no longer r...
Hello! It's not possible to fully use my Asus Zenfone 10 phone in the Kazakh language. Even if you select the Kazakh language in the settings, it doesn't display everything completely in Kazakh.
How to downgrade android 15 to android 14 on zenfone 10?
Hi everyone,Since updating my Zenfone 10 to Android 15, I've been encountering random dropouts when streaming music on Tidal. Every time the music stops unexpectedly, the media player widget (the "Now Playing" display on my lock screen and in the dr...