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Solved: Background app restriction issue (TIDAL, Qobuz, etc.) – no thanks to Asus support

Star III

After several days of silence from Asus support, I finally found the root cause of the problem and a working solution—without their help.

Root Cause:

Some apps automatically change their background usage settings from "allowed" to "not allowed" without user intervention. In my case, TIDAL initially allowed background usage but then switched to "not allowed" after a few minutes of playback. This made no sense, especially since other streaming apps like Spotify weren’t affected, despite functioning similarly over mobile data or Wi-Fi.

Since Asus support is seemingly incapable of providing answers and prefers to solve problems by ignoring them, I kept troubleshooting and eventually found the issue in Developer Options.


1. Go to Developer Options and look for a setting called "Background Check" or "Background control" (I don't know for sure but in Swedish, it’s "Bakgrundskontroll").

2. Check the list of apps displayed there. In my case, both TIDAL and KEXP appeared.

3. Toggle the switch ON for the affected apps.

4. Go back to the standard app settings and re-enable background usage for the app.

That’s it! Your apps should now work as expected.

Why Does This Happen?I have no idea why some apps (like TIDAL) end up restricted here while others (like Spotify) don’t. Asus, true to form, will probably ignore this as well. But at least now you can fix the issue yourself and use your phone like a normal person—despite Asus being Asus.


Star III

This proves once again that Asus and their "support" (simply closing their eyes and ignoring the problem) does not work. Instead, ordinary users are more competent... How low has Asus fallen... This shows once again where they have us. Their customers...


By the way, thank you very much for the solution!

Star II

Im unable to locate 4th step. Can you give screenshot or something? Swedish är inte problem in those 



These are steps 1-3?