08-30-2020 06:07 AM
09-18-2020 10:49 PM
steve.baird50Unfortunately this is a very elusive problem. At times I thought I solved it for a week or even a month and then it came back for no aparent reason. For the first half year my UXF533FD was bug-free, then this started happening. My first solution was to not connect USB devices when the computer goes to sleep. This worked for a very long period of time, failing only once a week or two or more (up to a month). Then after a while the frequency returned to once a day or more. Updates sometimes gave the impression of solving this problem for up to a week but then the computer relapsed again. Most recently, the latest large windows update and an intel graphics update both gave me high hopes only to fail after 3 days and a week respectively and go back to daily freezes.I have found a solution that has been working for the last 2 days.
In the bios settings I turned OFF wake when lid opens (or something like that)
Perhaps a conflict between who is responsible for waking BIOS or OS? Not sure but works so far.
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09-20-2020 03:41 PM
09-28-2020 06:38 PM
09-28-2020 07:15 PM
10-05-2020 03:55 PM
ch2daystill going?I'm sure this is not what you guys want to hear but I had my motherboard replaced by ASUS and so far so good (5 days running without the issue).
First they had reset my laptop to the factory OS image (with Windows 10 1809) and that didn't fix it, so I guess it wasn't a software/driver issue. But the motherboard replacement seems to have done the trick.
Will update if things change (knock on wood).
Good luck to all, including myself!
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