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Liquid metal on my rog 5 🤣

Rising Star II

So I finally decided to open my rog 5 because its already out  of warranty so might as well experiment on it  I know puting liquid metal on a phone is a very bad idea , but still why not🤣  and it went successful 🤣 I thought my phone wouldn't booth up but hey it turn on 😂 so I played genshin impact on high settings  while recording ,the random fps drop and 30 to 40ish fps is due to recording ,  now my max temp is now 42c during my 22 mins of gameplay😂😂 I wouldn't recommend trying it because in time liquid metal eats copper and aluminium 😛






That's doesn't metter i try to show how the system mode make a difference in temperature ,cpu frequency, power consumption for this reason you get 42 degrees  becouse phone in dynamic mode limited the temperature to 41-42 degrees not the liquid metal ..... You can see it in the photos that i upload

Dynamic mode who have temperature limit to 42 degrees



  and Xmode whit temperature limit to 49 degrees




Rising Star II

Im not even using dynamic mod im still  using  my advance tuning 🤣 you can clearly see on my hand cam video 😂🤣

 And by the looks of your game genie your using a rog 6 phone 😂😂 talk about unfair bench mark 😂😂😂🤣


Are you from another planet 😄 why you dont understand what i talk 😄 ? I talk for temperature and performance and how fake is this 42 degree's temperature even whit ADVANCE TUNNING ....
You have limited the system temperature
You have limite the top-app/cpu.uclamp.max to 70
You limited a lot the cpu frequency
whit this settings +cooler that i can see on the phone you get this very high 42 degrees temperature whit no stable fps .... Your CPU has throttle check the cpu temperature to see how its get 80+ degrees and throttle you even don use the max power of the cpu and still get overheat and dont get so good gaming performance i dont see stable 60 i see dropt to 34 fps and this is whit the cooler .... Again i will say i dont talk for benchmark i talk for temperature , overheating, and gaming performance in the end ... I haved this phone before and i know how bad is and how much overheat nothing cant change that even the cooler that you bought i haved stronger cooler than aero active cooler 6 and the phone still overheat... If you dont use the cooler you will get very fast cpu throttle to 47 degree's i thing and if you use cpu monitoring you will see how the frequency go lower even when you set up the to certain min frequency

I'm from planet earth 🤣 and you planet  mars or something ??? 🤣 Atleast I have a hand cam proof showing my test how about you can't even show me a hand cam test result ohh wait because your using a rog 6 phone  😂😂😂 not here mate go to the rog 6 forum  and post your test results there 😂😂😂 


And how fake are you comparing   a rog phone  6 performance  to a rog phone 5 🤣🤣🤣

I'ma stop talking to you now because talking to you is nonsense 😂😂😂