Rising Star II


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 previously posted about the problem mentioned in the title, and I'm reposting it here. https://zentalk.asus.com/t5/rog-phone-6/rog-6-turn-off-restart-when-turn-on-camera/m-p/441630#M5773 My question is, why hasn’t anyone from the ASUS team responded...
Rog phone 6 restart when turn on camera but this probrem is very rare if i open the camera 100 times only 5 times the phone crash and turn off 
Hello all how i can make a local backup file on my PC is there any way to create backup and after this restore everything whit one click 
Rog Phone 6 No root Latest firmware .172 So i think after the last update i dont have any internet when i make a phone call .... Before the last update i was able to use internet (no 5g or 4g but still have internet on H+) it was slow but there wasn'...
#Rog Strix G16I have this problem when i setup some settings after restart of the laptop or restart the application armoury crate forget some of the settingsFirst setting that forget is Aura Sync, Sync device,Aura Effect on the photo that i post on N...