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ROG 3 not charging and also Aeroactive cooler not working after system update

Star I
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: ROG 3
Firmware Version: 17.0823.2102.143
Rooted or not: no
Frequency of Occurrence: forever after software update
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
After the software update last week, my phone started to act weirdly. First aero active cooler not working, and today the phone cannot charge. When plugged to the original charger, it will charge for few sconds and the stop and repeat it again till no end.. it is clearly the software issues or bug.
Any fix on this? i already reset the phone to factory default but it seems happened again on the same day.

Community Legend III
@muhdazwan Thanks for reporting this. I'll send you a PM. 🙂