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RT-BE92U - On-going random losses of Internet/WAN access

Star III

I've had the RT-BE92U for a few weeks now and a couple of times a day it simply stops routing DNS WAN traffic and the Wi-Fi networks also stop routing. All Internet access grinds to a halt because of this. Sometimes it returns to normal on its own but today it was so inconvenient that I got it to reboot via the web UI. It's then fine again for several hours.

It's like the unit itself enters some kind of semi-hung/crashed state. I'm thinking there's some kind of memory leak or that the RAM capacity is insufficient. It runs for several hours and then begins going faulty.

I am 26 years into an advanced IT solutions architecture/engineering career covering pretty much all kinds of infrastructure. So, the most I'm guilty of is not trying the basics.

I am able to ping externally, however I tend to find that I cannot get DNS traffic to pass and that includes direct queries of external DNS services, e.g. (I can ping this guy).

The Wi-Fi networks can't even reach the router itself. I have to go to my wired laptop to engage with the router. The router web UI responds normally. The system log just seems to show either long pauses between log entries or errors about wireless client disconnects.

This kind of error seems to be common in the log just now:

kernel: WLC_SCB_DEAUTHORIZE error (-30)

Could be red herrings but they always seem to be around when the crashes happen.

I have a lot of smart devices. It says I have a total of 54 clients but the vast majority of those will generate very little traffic.

I use Sky Stream. So, there can be a lot of throughput there. I also watch a lot of Twitch. Again a lot of data passing through for that. Nothing I wouldn't expect this router to handle though.

I have AiMesh up and running with two nodes.

I use the Time Machine backup capability with a USB drive attached. There's an hourly backup.

I have the AiProtection turned on. DoS protection enabled.

I also have the DNS over TLS enabled opportunistically but I've tried putting this off and it doesn't help.

I just fear that the hardware spec isn't able to handle the workload.

It just seems like the firmware isn't stable enough yet. I need to decide if I should be returning this or just be patient and wake for the next firmware updates.


Anyone else with this router experiencing issues despite factory resetting?


I'm going do do something similar to you and also have similar issues where it breaks after about an hour I get network drops. I'm going to disable Ai protection, QoS, apps analysis, Traffic Analyzer, and MLO but leave IPV6 enabled. If this works for several days, then it must be one of the above features. 

Star III

Chiming in to say that I also observed the same thing. I would lose connectivity for all devices even devices connected over ethernet then after a while it would come back on. What's odd is that during one of the occasions, I had lost connectivity on tablets and phones but my laptop worked fine and the built in speed test on the router worked fine. I too also have lots of features enabled and at 80% memory usage such as Ai protection, QoS, apps analysis, Traffic Analyzer, MLO, and IPV6 and I don't know if having all these features on are bogging down the system and causing it to hang and most of these were disabled out of the box. I'm not sure which one I should disable. 

At first, I assumed it's my new modem because I had a SBG7600AC2 without any of these issues but now I think it could be my router. I also thought it was the IPV6 config but if you are having the same issues I am having and you also have IPV6 off then it must be either the other features or something else causing the issue. I am also on latest firmware Noted that lots of people had similar issues on the Amazon USA reviews when sorted by newest but maybe they are on the older firmware. 

I also made a thread about it here

Star III

Also would like to add I had the issue today but my logs aren't very useful I get alot of deauths and auths and assocs but for the first time I saw "IEEE 802.11: Could not add STA to kernel driver" and "kernel: WLC_SCB_DEAUTHORIZE error (-30)" so maybe it might be related or maybe not. 

Every time I get this issue, I report it immediately but so far no communication as of yet. 

Star III

I have been doing brilliantly since the new firmware update and the hard reset. As both happened at the same time, it's hard to say which is responsible if not both. I'd definitely recommend a hard reset to anyone who is still having issues on the 37435 firmware.

The runaway CPU core and system log temperature warnings haven't returned since the last reboot either.

I've had no WAN outages and my devices are instantly able to access the Internet despite being idle for hours.

I decided to stop using the Time Machine feature as it's based on a very outdated implementation of it. They are needing to revise the SMB server component so that it can support modern Time Machine backups. I think I even saw them asking users to re-enable SMB1 which is madness in 2024. I'm not sure of licensing complications or anything with the latest Samba or alternatives but they really need to move onto a more secure SMB3 service. As it stands, Time Machine won't touch their implementation of SMB. Apple specifies specific requirements in a now archived document. I'm just going to use local Time Machine from now on. I did have to wipe my backup drive to get it into the more robust and modern partition scheme (GPT) and format (APFS).

AiProtection and Traffic Analyser are on and the RAM is sitting at a fairly consistent 75%.


So, it seems there was maybe a bug in the InstantGuard feature, which I wasn't even using, that still impacted things. Something may have been corrupting configs though, explaining why a reset removed the issues from up-to-date firmware.

I agree fully about SMB1. Ridiculous that they haven't at least implemented SMB2.1. There are no issues with licensing, as SMB is an open-source protocol. Support also had me navigate to Advanced Settings--->Wireless-General--->Control Channel and change that value to the highest channel allowed from Auto. Did this for all 3 bands Of course, if you have smart connect enabled there is only one value to change.

But, if yours is working now, I guess don't fix what ain't broken.