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AIMesh-WIFI connection drops

Star I

I have a AIMesh network with main router ROG Rapture GT-AXE11000 and 3 Mesh nodes ASUS ZenWiFi Pro ET12.

2 mesh nodes have the connection on WiFi to the main node and 1 is wired.
The issue is that the wired nodes are sometime loosing connection to the main nodes even if the signal is still the same. The connection is normally very good and then it drops.
I also have issue with connecting devices. The connection is not always connected to the best mesh node and it makes the signal very weak.

This is a big issue because we can not wach IPTV without interuption or make IP calls without disconnection.
Can anyone in the forum send me some clues, hints or solution how to solve the connection issue dowards my mesh nodes.



Hi @Astina_ID ,

based on your issue, may I ask whether all the router and nodes firmware is at the latest version?

Whether you have check the node connection via WEB GUI?

Did the device can detected to each other?

Whether the problem occur on the specifice wired node?

Have you try to cross test with other device?

Did the WAN connection is normal?

Have you try other WiFi band? Did the issue still remain?

Also, could you provide the MAC adress and the feedback log?

Thank you.

Hi and thank you for the reply.

The firmware is the latest revison.

Yes I check the connection via the WEB GUI and I see sometime it is disconnected but later it connect again with no moving or doing something.

All devices can dedect to each other and sometime the connection is differnet than the normal one.

Mostly the issue is on the WiFi connected mesh nodes.

I have tried many devices connected to WiFi and all devices have same issue. My guests complaining too that the network in our home is bad. But the WAN is quite stable on 240Mb.

The issue is both on 2.4 and 5GHz band. The WiFi is connected to a weaker node then it should and never changes to the better one again.
MAC addresses for my main node is 04:42:1A:4F:5E:50
Mesh wired: 04:42:1A:71:BF:F0
Mesh WiFi 1: 04:42:1A:A7:86:D0
Mesh WiFi 2: 04:42:1A:CD:47:A0

Feedback log I do not know how to achieve. Please advice.
I am not a specialist and for the moment I am outside my home but the issue has been always during the last 6 month.

MBR Ernst

Hi @Astina_ID ,

thanks for providing the information.

There are some question that need to confirm to you.

Whether the issue happens on the wired or wireless connected node?

In the previous reply you mentioned "Mostly the issue is on the WiFi connected mesh nodes."

But in the first post, you said that " The issue is that the wired nodes are sometime loosing connection"

If the issue is occurring with the wired node and the wired connection is lost, it might be due to problems with the wired connection itself, such as a loose Ethernet cable or a damaged connector.

Please check the wired connection, ensure that the Ethernet cable is properly connected, and the connector is secure.

If the issue happens on the wireless connection nodes, ensure that the placement of the mesh nodes provides optimal coverage and signal strength.

Place the nodes strategically throughout your home to minimize signal interference and ensure a seamless handoff between nodes as you move around the house.

Try resetting the mesh nodes to their factory default settings and then re-pair them to the main router.

For the feedback log, we kindly request you to report the problem through feedback. Please follow the steps below to report the issue through the Web management interface:

  • Connect your device (PC, laptop, etc.) to the router and open the Web management interface ( in your web browser.
  • Click on "Administration" and then select "Issue Report."
  • Fill in your location, email address (required), ASUS service/case number, problem type, and problem description. Please read and agree to the privacy policy and relevant terms of service.
  • Click "Submit" to submit your form.

Additionally, please provide the product serial number, the time you sent the feedback report, the email used for the feedback report, and the time when the issue occurred via private message.

Thank you.

Hi again,

The backhaul connection issue between the main node and the mesh nodes only happen on the wireless connection.

The mesh nodes are placed nearly visible to the main nodes, one is approximately 6 meter away and 3 meter hight differnece with one floor between, the second is approximately 8 meter away and 4 meter high difference and one wall between. Normally the connection shows green lines but then suddenly change to yellow and manytimes grey and disconnect. Then after a few minuttes it reconnects with no manual interference.
There are no other electronic devices near the mesh nodes.
That means, there are no interference devices near the mesh nodes and only one Bluethoot printer by the main node.

The most irritating issue is that the IPTV boxes, telephones and PC connecting to nodes that have weaker signal then the one in the room or area. I can sit 2 meters away from the mesh node and my PC connects to the main router in the second floor. That makes the communiccation slow and unreliable. The IPTV boxes start to loading and watching movie is not funny. Telephones IP call get interrupted, video calls stops. The use of the internet is very slow too and sometime need to reload the pages. Me and other s using the WiFi system are frustrated about the ASUS system that really should be top of the line.

If I check the WAN connection from main router I get the following results:
Upload 237.55 Mbps Download 239.42 Mbps Ping 2.38ms and Jitter 0.16ms
So it does not look like there is an issue on the WAN connection.

I will try to make the report and log when I have access to the system again.
Can I refer to any of our conversations??


Ernst Hepp