08-30-2024 10:08 AM
so i bought the rog Azoth keyboard and loving it but been having issues with spacebar that it double clicks when using it or being ultra sensitive i have tried the 3 extra switches that came with the keyboard and all 4 swtiches(the one preinstall and all 3 extra that comes with the DIY kit) are doing the same problem adding a extra space with clicking spacebar but seems now i might fixed it by desolder and random cherry blue switch from a dead keyboard from work and installed on my spacebar button and now i havent had a double click for the past 30minutes,
this has been an issues on both wireless, wired mode and bluetooth mode but now im kinda ticked off that 4 swtiches are bad on such an expensive piece of hardware and how to get new switches of these NX Snow switches? or im i out of luck and will have to get some other 3e party switches from now on?
09-04-2024 07:18 PM
Hi @nothingtoxic ,
to more accurately assist you with the spacebar double-clicking issue, we would like to know more:
Providing more detailed information will help us more accurately identify the problem and provide you with a more effective solution.
Thank you for your cooperation!