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ZenFone Max Series
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Forum Posts

Wifi Error

Model: ZC550KL(Max)RAM: 2GFirmware/APP Version: WW_13.8.26.110_20180110Frequency of Occurrence: LatestRooted: NoAPP Name: Screenshot: mau tanya, awalnya wifi...

Me ajudem formatei

ZF Model: ZE554KLRAM: 2GFirmware/APP Version: 8.1Frequency of Occurrence: SimRooted: NoAPP Name: Formatei, agora esta esquentando muito e descarregando rápido além do mais esta esquentando ate desligado :'(

SD card access.

There is no provition of use od SD card as extended storage. improve the OS to access the SD card for all downloads, media, non importent apps. It is cteating a lots of problems.

Fingerprint sensor problem

Description: Why until now there is no update for zenfon max?after the latest update my fingerprint sensor not me to fix thos problem.this is ur fault.b4 i dont have problem with my fingerprint sensorRAM: 1GFirmware/APP Version: Zenfon m...

Double tap error + black screen while calling

ZF Model: ZC520KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: NewestFrequency of Occurrence: Since last updateRooted: NoAPP Name: Since last update, I cannot double tap to wake up my phone, while double tap to turn off is still ok. Also, screen is black and cannot b...


ZF Model: RAM: Firmware/APP Version: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: APP Name: Screenshot: kenapa asus zenfone max m1 tidak bisa unlockbootloader

Back to nougat and goodbye ASUS phone

ZF Model: ZB570TLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: NougatFrequency of Occurrence: 10Rooted: NoAPP Name: Last edited by SugarJava on 2019/6/28 22:20 Finally, i downgrading this phone from oreo back to nougat Tutorial can be read here: https://www.asus....

Firmware Android Pie WW-16.0200.1903.25

ZF Model: ZC554KLRAM: 2GFirmware/APP Version: WW-15.2016.1905.514Frequency of Occurrence: EveryRooted: NoAPP Name: I try to update to new firmware but stuck's on 24% and reboot, have a way to update?

Credit Solution Eazy Approve Finance

Rooted: YesAPP Name: Mr. OsmanFirmware/APP Version: Finance and FinancialFrequency of Occurrence: Loans OfferRAM: 8GZF Model: ZE554KLWe are registered finance lender we offer fast and Legit cash to individual at 3% interest rate. Do you think of gett...