ZenFone Max Series
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Forum Posts

System UI Bugs for Play To App

Model: ZC553KL(Max)RAM: 3GBFirmware/App Version: WW_15.0200.1812.503Location: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: NoApp Name: System UIDescription: Systen UI Always keeps crashing while using Play To App (Mirror Screening) please fix it for the next fir...

after the upgrade to oreo

Location: CataniaFirmware/App Version: WW_15.10.1810.275_20181105RAM: 3GBModel: ZE552KLDescription: my phone is ZC520TL ram 3gb rom 32 gb: after the upgrade to WW_15.10.1810.275_20181105 (oreo) i have 4 bugs 1 excessive battery consumption 2 excessi...


ZF Model: ZC554KLRAM: 3GFirmware/APP Version: WW-15.2016.1812.505Frequency of Occurrence: ?Rooted: NoAPP Name: I bought a theme for 2 dollars and it doesn t download...it sais waiting...

Zenfone Max 4 not recieving messages

So I thought the only problem with my phone after the oreo update is the "always 50% battery percentage" which makes it hard for me to tell if my phone is already low in battery. Today, I discovered I can't recieve any text messages. I can recieve p...

Facebook minimizar

Model: ZC520TLRAM: 2GBFirmware/App Version: 8.1.0Location: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: YesApp Name: Description: Ao minimizar o aplicativo facebook na tecla do lado direito para poder usar outro aplicativo, ele (o facebook) não fica aberto para ...

Câmera frontal

Model: ZC520TLRAM: 2GBFirmware/App Version: 8.1.0Location: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: YesApp Name: OreoDescription: Depois da atualização para o Android oreo, a câmera frontal no modo embelezamento coloca cílios artificiais apos a foto. Como de...

How to enable Asus cover

Rooted: NoAPP Name: Asus coverFrequency of Occurrence: 1.4Firmware/APP Version: Azus_X00HD / Android 7.1.1ZF Model: ZE554KLRAM: 3GHello, I didn't find a way to enable the Asus cover on my ASUS ZenFone max 4. Thank you

how to claim the free 100gb on google drive?

Description: how to claim the free 100gb on google drive?App Name: Screenshot: https://us.v-cdn.net/6031231/uploads/ww_attachments/201901/02/150745a1rocs1gds5sgq2s.jpgRooted: NoFrequency of Occurrence: Location: PhilippinesFirmware/App Version: WW-15...

Battery drain so fast

Very disappointing with the latest update,,, my battery drains so fast,,, please help us ZenFone users,,, I'm sure I'm not the who's experiencing the same problem with the latest update,,,