After update its coming like this
How to disable this permanently
How to disable this permanently
I hve buys new asus max pro m2 malaysia set but i got problem with battery..its drain very fast without heavy user..its is normal or i got apply for replacement?thank you
ZF Model: ZB630KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: OPM1.WW_Phone- 15.2016.1901.186.20190121Frequency of Occurrence: Every 20-30 minsRooted: NoAPP Name: Last edited by muttakinbiswas on 2019/1/29 03:09 UI lagging during phone using. It's very disturbing...
ZF Model: ZB631KLRAM: 6GFirmware/APP Version: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: NoAPP Name: Dont update to jan patch update will turn your phone signal to this and you need to wait for the next update to fix this issue wont return to normal even if yo...
ZF Model: ZB631KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 15.2016.1812.179 to 15.2016.1901.186Frequency of Occurrence: Always!Rooted: NoAPP Name: Android Pie Last edited by HerbertEndrian on 2019/1/29 05:20 Teganya ASUS selalu membohongi kita semua :Q Baru gue...
ZF Model: ZB602KLRAM: 3GFirmware/APP Version: 339Frequency of Occurrence: 1,8zhRooted: NoAPP Name: System Hi. I am using "zenfone max pro m1". The battery drops quickly when in standby mode. Please review the update, thank you very much
Saya tidak bisa mengakses Cara merekam panggilan telepon masuk atau keluar.
ZF Model: RAM: Firmware/APP Version: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: APP Name: Screenshot: SnapView когда вернут этот режим? Подскажите как долго ещё ждать, очень разочарован покупкой этого телефона без такого режима удобного.
ZF Model: ZB602KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: *.338, *.339Frequency of Occurrence: constantlyRooted: NoAPP Name: "Files" (stock file manager) Last edited by owlsday.aa on 2019/1/29 20:22 Some browsers can save offline copy of web-pages (*.mhtml), w...