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ZenFone Max Pro Series
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Forum Posts


Why are you careless about arise of new bugs while treating other bugs..... I have complaining about fingerprint from 4 months even though it is not resolved.... But now new bugs are coming like while rotating there is bug....

Update 057

ZF Model: RAM: Firmware/APP Version: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: APP Name: Screenshot: Kapan ya Indonesia dapat update 057? Saya lihat uset negara lain sudah dapet.


ZF Model: ZB631KLRAM: 3GFirmware/APP Version: 9APP Name: Rooted: NoFrequency of Occurrence: Luôn luônAsus ra phần sụn vá lỗi hay nâng cấp thì đều bị lỗi và giảm hiệu năng đt. Asus muốn người dùng mua đt mới sao? Nếu không làm tốt phần sụn thì nghỉ sả...

Google not working

ZF Model: ZB601KLRAM: 2GFirmware/APP Version: Why isn't the google working in my phone? But when I use bing it does?Frequency of Occurrence: It has been maybe 2 months agoRooted: NoAPP Name: ASUS_A007Screenshot:


ZF Model: ZB631KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: Pie 065Frequency of Occurrence: 0Rooted: NoAPP Name: CrasshSering lag berhenti layarnya macet dan gak bisa di sentuh, kadang lama baru bisa di sentuh lagi, sangat mengganggu


ZF Model: ZB631KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: PieFrequency of Occurrence: 50Rooted: NoAPP Name: BugsHp gaming kok ada bugs nya toling di bantu dong minn....

System Update Failed (3)

ZF Model: ZB630KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 8.1Frequency of Occurrence: 1Rooted: NoAPP Name: Hi Selena, I have the same issue as Situmeang. I just bought the ASUS_X01BDA, the build number OPM1.WW_Phone-15.2016.1811.164-20181203. I don't know ...