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ZenFone Max Pro Series
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Forum Posts

Pro M1 : smartwatch + bluetooth earbuds ?

Hello I am using my bluetooth earbuds with my device with no problem, and I want to buy a smartwatch, but will it be possible for the watch to sync with my phone without disrupting the connexion of my earbuds ? Thanks !

siphna by Star I
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A plea to both sides

I own a Max Pro M1. Like the rest of you, I am fed up with the dishonesty of the Asus developers team. Many custom ROMs (which are entirely managed by only a few people for FREE) get regular updates in the matter of WEEKS. Whereas Asus is always MONT...


Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name:ZB630KLFirmware Version:Rooted or not:Frequency of Occurrence:APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):I have Purchased asus max pro m2 on december 2018, and wit...

.424 Taught me a lesson | Reverting to 063

Model Name: zb601klFirmware Version: .424Rooted or not: noFrequency of Occurrence: everytimeAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):========================================Thanks Asus for giving me a hard time with your beta updates...

Mic not working

Abd i am facing problem in pubg mobileThe mic is not working in pubg mobile. In this version of Android 10

Max Pro m1 going to die as of crona.

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: fucking Max Pro M1Firmware Version: bullshitRooted or not: bearing bugs Frequency of Occurrence: millisecondsAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In additio...

Suggestions for Android 10

1. Fix the sound problem- make it loud and clear like at the time of Android oreo.2. Fix Haptic feedback vibration.3. Add HD graphics for Pubg.4. Fix unlocking issue.5. Fix the setting suggestions issue.6. Give the Files app by default.7. Fix brightn...

Asus zenfone max pro m1

Asus zenfone max pro m1 android 10 424 update many many bugs 1/ speaker problem2/ heating issue3/ battery draining problemPlease fix upcoming update please release upcoming update quickly