08-25-2022 09:40 AM
01-30-2023 05:21 AM
Have the same issue. It happened during an emergency call today!
This is the latest version I get
01-30-2023 07:49 AM
Dear Asus, i have one question;
can i return phone based on all this bugs i am having on the phone.
This is ridiculously unusable.
01-30-2023 10:07 AM
Asus support centre got back to me. Not particularly helpful. They sent me to https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1011558/ which is for people who have a crackling speaker. That is a different problem to not being able to be heard at all. That post asked me to turn audio wizard onto normal mode (can't be done with my version of zen ui or Android 13). They then said to ensure it is up to date with its software (already is). They then asked me to factory reset the phone - which I am loathe to do as the phone has been having this issue out of the box before any updates and I like Android 13.
Long story short Asus Service Centre don't have a fix. If everyone could lodge a ticket with them maybe they will get the message that this is actually a widespread problem.
02-03-2023 12:26 AM
The Update WW_33.0804.2060.88 fixed it for me! I can switsh now between speaker and phone and everything works. Got it two days ago.
02-08-2023 08:03 AM
I've updated my firmware too about 5 days ago. It was working fine but today the problem came back again.
I think they didn't fix anything, the speaker issue just goes away momentarily whenever you restart the phone