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Still No Update for ZF9 After ZF10 Released? 🤔🤔🤔🥱🥱🥱

Rising Star I


Expect soon several updates specially for improvement on camera stability, details and sharpness on ZF9.

Please Asus.... You are real "hadeeeeuh.... Ckckck" in indonesian language


Rising Star II

The ZF10 was released 3 days ago. You write like it's been ages... The .142 update already brought some improvements in the camera (or cam sw), which you probably have not noticed (or cared to notice).

You're not going to get much better than what we now have in this department. So how about you switch to a Pixel or Galaxy or something else that satisfies your photographic standards, while the ZF9 still probably trades well? And stop the incessant complaining about the same issue without bringing anything new to the table...?


There's no information about camera improvement. Then why you said there's improvement? LOL

Im not complaining, this is just honest oppinion about zf9. I bought and decide zf9 as my daily driver just because i believe that Asus still can well develop and much better than pixel and s23. Then why you butthurt?

Are Asus fanboy like you accept no criticism? Shame on you!

The camera app has been updated with the latest fw upgrade - easy to check (if you care). There are obvious, but small, differences in processing as well. Again, easy to check  - if you truly care.

I am not an Asus fanboy. I have clearly acknowledged their camera, though good, is not great. I have noted the Pixels and the S23 (and previous Samsungs or Apples) clearly do a better job. My only point was simple: Asus seems unable or uninterested to get clearly better than what it offers now in the camera department (so, not a fanboy). Therefore, if your dissatisfaction with the camera is so substantial that you have to complain about it all the time on this forum, just switch to a phone with realiably better cameras. You know which those are, and they're not more expensive than the ZF9. 

If you says that there's an improvement on camera and it's easy to check, then how do i check? It's clearly not mentioned in the fw decription. Then again, how do i check?

Oke then. if i don't able to complain about the camera frequently then what this forum for? Are you a moderator? Is complaing about the camera quality breaking the forum rules? 

I'm just asking about a software update then why you so aggressive? 🤣

I am not aggressive at all. I am just telling you directly that you keep on making the same point endlessly and needlessly.

For somebody so fixated on camera performance, it's quite easy to check. Before every update make a note of the camera app version. Then take a few photos of a few objects in different light conditions. Update, check camera version again and, if it's different, take a few photos of the same objects (or just do it even if there is no difference). Then compare. 

In my case, after the latest update I noticed less noise indoors and less glow in objects with bright surfaces in direct sunlight. Unfortunately, it's still poor with some colors and textures (poppies in the sun) and the oversharpening still needs to be dialed down a bit.

But I've long accepted this is about as far as the ZF9 can go, that any future improvements will be minimal, so for picture taking of my pets and around the house I have reverted to my old Pixel 4 and Pixel 5.