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Netflix quality downgraded from widevine 1 to widevine 3

Star I

I am using Zenfone 9 and recently I loose my Netflix Widevine L1 support and it is downgraded to Widevine L3 and quality from HDR to SD. What to do?

Model Name: Zenfone 9

Firmware Version:

Rooted or not: not rooted

Frequency of Occurrence:

APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app) : Netflix 


I really tried a few times more with Asus technical support but they were told from "higher up the chain" that it wasn't up to them to solve and it was Netflix responsibility... I gave up after that totally useless experience... 

That is somewhat dissapointing. I once saw a thread about this issue happened to Asus ROG series and they (Asus) repair such issue with an update of their firmware. Why can't Asus now do the same?

It's been months since this thread started and Asus still don't provide users an update to its firmware to repair this issue. And I also think that this is not Netflix issue since they have tried several ways to help but still solved nothing. Disappointed.

Yep I think this is an Asus problem to solve. I spoke to support and they gave me a link to a previous thread here: - I checked this and step 4 was one point I hadn't seen before but I also dont understand it.

"If you see L3, Please check if the Unlock device service be triggerred. Once the device unlocked, some digital contact may not longer be used. And only Widevine L3 digital right provided."

Not sure what the 'Unlock device service' is or how to check it. I can of course unlock my device..

Not sure if anyone else understands this point?

One final option ive seen is a full factory reset which tbh Im not really willing to do atm.

Getting the same issue. What a joke. Phone is stock standard and cant play HDR movies let alone full hd.. What a **bleep**en joke asus seriously.