Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: Zenfone 9
Firmware Version: 32.2030.2030.26
Rooted or not: No
Frequency of Occurrence: Always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): MotionCam
Hi, I tested MotionCam and there was an issue with raw video capture when using Camera 3 (ID 3 from cam the API) and the output was broken what seems to be a raw stream issue.
MotionCam: Camera & RAW Video - Apps on Google Play
Here it can do full res with 24 fps no dropped frame. Hopefully, Asus will fix it since this phone has such a huge potential for raw video capture.
This also affected GCam where the output image also broken for 50MP capture with the same blue and red thing.