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ZenFone 9
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Forum Posts

[ZenFone 9] Join the Android 14 Preview Program

Hi ZenFone 9 users, We will soon have the newest Android system on ZenFone 9. ASUS hereby sincerely invite you to participate in this preview program to experience Android 14! What is the Android Preview Program? Android Preview Program lets users ex...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
  • 123 replies
  • 50 kudos

Photo Thread: Pets Being Weird

This month we are hosting a photo thread for everyone to post a picture of your pets, ‘Pets being Weird.’ Share your adorable and funny pet photos in this thread! Whether you have a cuddly cat, a playful dog, a feathery bird, or any other delightful ...

Zenfone 9 bricked overnight

Like 9 months ago I bought the Zenfone 9. Looked like a nice phone for my small hands.Last night, I turned off the wifi, plugged it in the charger and went to bed. I woke up this morning and my phone got bricked overnight. Before bed everything was w...

How can I avoid the phone-disabling update?

Due to my experience with a previous bad Asus Zenfone update, I opted not to reboot to finish installing the Android 14 update. My AT&T Zenfone 9 is not one of the broken ones, for now. However, I regularly get a pop-up asking me to update and have a...

n_2 by Star II
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Zenfone 9 Boot-looping on AT&T

Hi @Mansi_ASUS @Laura_ASUSAs you know, there is a catastrophic firmware bug that immediately triggers a reboot upon connection to AT&T networks. I updated my phone on Friday. Why has this issue not been resolved yet? This is seriously embarrassing fo...

Resolved! Zenfone 9 Crash on AT&T

As of 4 hours ago my ZenFone 9 is crashing as soon as it boots. The problem only happens when my AT&T prepaid 5G sim card is in. In fact, it will crash as soon as I put the sim card in. Resetting the network settings did not fix the crash. The issue ...

nk_oro by Star II
  • 2 replies
  • 1 kudos

Video System High Battery Drain

Video System is draining my battery, cant find a way to stop it.Model Name: Zenfone 9Firmware Version: LatestRooted or not: NoFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): NA

Android 14 ZenTouch Problem

Hello everybody!I have this issue since i updated to android 14.When i want to slide down the notification bar with my zentouch, i always see just a litte piece from the buttons. if i slide one more time down than i get all notifications.on andoird 1...

duebonf by Star I
  • 2 replies
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Lag while receive notification

My Zenfone 9 face some stuttering when receive notificiation if I'am using wired headset So I just recently realize that whenever I hear music or videos using headset, and a notification pop up (whether from whatsapp or another thing) my phone sudden...

Zenfone 9 Charging issue

Hello so I think a droplet of water found it's way in my charging port, when I charged my phone after a couple of hours, it wouldn't charge fast using the car charger, so I went home and check my actual wall charger, same thing, but when I flipped th...

Bootloader Scam Refund

Hi everyone,I was just curious where the refunds will go for the bait and switch scam Asus ran by removing the ability to unlock bootloaders?You know, since the phone was sold with the ability to unlock the bootloader and install your own firmware of...